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Labour Relations Code

B.C. Labour Relations Board Upholds Right to Exert Economic Pressure on Employer through Hot Declaration

Western Forest Products Inc. v United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union, Local 1-1937, 2019 CanLII 71440 (BC LRB). The Union, USW, Local 1-1937 (“USW”), was engaged in a legal strike against Western Forest Products (“WFP”), a forest company that operates various logging operations and manufacturing plants in Brit...
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Sandra Banister Q.C. Appointed as Special Adviser on Committee Reviewing the B.C. Labour Relations Code

Sandra Banister Q.C. has been appointed as a special adviser on the three-person committee tasked with reviewing the British Columbia Labour Relations Code (the “Code”). The panel will be chaired by mediator/arbitrator Michael Fleming with Sandra representing union interests and Barry Dong representing employer interests. The February 6, 2018 Media Release from the B.C. Ministry of Labour notes t...
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Disclosure of Employee Revenue Information to Union not a Breach of the Personal Information Protection Act

Comox Valley Distribution Ltd. v United Steelworkers, Local 1-1937, 2017 CanLII 72391 (BC LA) In response to complaints that junior drivers were being favoured over senior drivers in the assignment of freight delivery runs the union and employer negotiated quarterly union management meetings to resolve these issues. In advance of one of these meetings the union asked the employer to provide ...
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Labour Board allows Bakery Workers to Picket ‘Ally’ Distribution Centre

Canada Bread Company, Limited/Pain Canada Compagnie, Limitee and Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union, Local Union No. 468, BCLRB No. B101/2017 (Leave for Reconsideration denied in BCLRB No. B129/2017). The Bakery, Confectionery, Tabacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union, Local Union No. 468 applied to the B.C. Labour Relations Board (the “Board...
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